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Violence In The Workplace Increases In UK

Newly published figures show Higher-than-average levels of work-place violence were reported in the Netherlands (10 %), France and the United Kingdom (both 9 %) and Ireland (8 %). The report shows that violence, bullying and harassment are becoming more common in European workplaces.

click to go to full reportThe European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) found 'third party' violence and harassment affects from 5 per cent to 20 per cent of European workers. Its report, 'Workplace violence and harassment: a European picture',includes international statistics collected by its European Risk Observatory. Its recent pan-European workplace survey ESENER found 40 per cent of European managers are concerned by workplace violence and harassment, but only around 25 per cent have implemented procedures to deal with it.

The problem is even more acute in health and social work and in education, with more than 50 per cent of managers identifying it as a health and safety problem. "Both violence and harassment represent serious but under-reported threats to the safety and well-being of workers in Europe", said agency director Jukka Takala. "Workplace harassment can lead to stress, long-term sick leave, and even suicide. Economic consequences are reduced productivity, increased sickness absence, higher turnover of staff and premature retirement due to disability at often early ages."

Download the full report here

Source: TUC Risks / EU-OSHA

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